Understanding Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment


NAFLD, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is a rising global health issue that affects around 25% of people worldwide. This group of liver diseases is distinguished by the buildup of hepatic fat without a substantial alcohol intake. NAFLD includes non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which can lead to cirrhosis, fibrosis, liver failure, and potentially hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). … Read more

The Gift of Life: Liver Donation Can Save Lives

The first known instance of a feat that has so far failed to transcend the boundaries of science is the head transplant, which has its roots in early Hindu mythology, where the all-powerful lord Shiva is claimed to have "transplanted" an elephant's head on Lord Ganesha.

Those with end-stage liver illness can find hope and a second shot at life through liver donation, one of the most selfless acts of kindness. Your decision can save lives and create a lasting legacy. Regardless of whether you decide to donate a portion of your liver, while you are still living or make a commitment … Read more

Post- Liver Transplant Counselling: Embrace Hope

Post- Liver Transplant Counselling

Although a liver transplant is a miracle that can save lives, it also marks the start of a new chapter that will present both chances and challenges. In order to help patients and their families face this path with fortitude, hope, and confidence, Post- Liver Transplant Counselling is essential. This blog will discuss the value … Read more

Pre-Liver Transplant Counselling Can Transform Your Success

Pre- transplant Counselling

Patients with acute liver failure or end-stage liver disease may benefit from a liver transplant. With shorter waiting period and better results. Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has become a popular choice among the various forms of liver transplants. Pre-transplant counseling is a crucial step for both the recipient and the healthy donor. The significance … Read more